Building a Company, Creating a Home

For me, the holidays serve as a temporal landmark, a natural reflection point to recall special events, assess what has changed, and also recognize and appreciate the comforting constants in our fast-paced lives.  When I think about Cambridge Dance Company over the past year,  I am humbled by how far we’ve come and inspired by the possibilities that lie ahead.

It began with a plan; a blueprint of sorts that laid out the framework, vision, goals and steps.  A lot of care went into laying the foundation – those banal building blocks that are not noticed until they are noticed missing.  Organizing as an LLC, becoming a sponsored artist of the Boston Dance Alliance, and developing a website and logo all serve as the infrastructure for the company’s future growth.

It was tempting to sprint forward, to rush ahead before certain pieces were firmly planted.  But I believe that truly special places evolve slowly and are decorated from the heart with unique treasures collected bit by bit. And so, when it came to adding dancers – the very material of which the company is made – we tried to be deliberate and mindful, just as a poet searches for the perfect words to complete his thought.  We are fortunate to have found an incredible group of talented, dedicated and gracious members who make the company what it is today: a sunny, cozy and tidy home where people feel warm, welcome and comfortable being exactly who they are.

Perhaps my greatest takeaway from this experience is that the essence of a home is not just about how it looks, but more so about how it feels.  When I look at Cambridge Dance Company, I see some of the most cherished people from my past sharing a passion for dance with some amazing new friends.  And I feel blessed.
